May 4, 2023

Webinar: Marketing Mix: Personalization Strategies to Drive ROI

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Personalization is no longer a nice to have. Customers expect it, and, according to McKinsey, the fastest-growing brands drive more than 40% of their revenue from the powerful strategy.

Want a piece of the pie? We partnered with SMS masterminds, Attentive, to share how brands are using customer data to create truly personalized experiences that go beyond the basics and have a real impact on the bottom line. 

Read on to get a glimpse at the key takeaways from the session, or watch the full session for yourself below:

1. Data Collection

Collect four types of key data:

  • Identity data: who your customer is. Ex: demographics, birthday
  • Behavioral data: how customers interact with your brand. Ex: website activity, purchase history, engagement.
  • Qualitative data: customer attitudes, motivations and preferences. Ex: preferred store locations, size/color preferences. 
  • Descriptive data: contextual information that goes beyond identity. Ex: marital status, profession.

Add preference collection to your sign-up units

  • Personalize the subscriber experience from the get-go with a tailored welcome flow
  • Gather data that will help you segment your subscribers for future campaigns

Use Two-Way Journeys to deepen customer relationships

  • Timeliness, ease of response, and conversational nature make SMS an especially effective preference collection channel
  • Helps build relationship equity and rapport - in addition to collecting zero-party data

2. Personalization basics

Consider 4 common priority segments

  1. Engaged subscribers - opening/clicking in the last 90 or 180 days 
  2. Unengaged subscribers - have not opened/clicked in the last 90 or 180 days
  3. Recent purchasers - depends on product category, but within the last 1 year is a good place to start
  4. First-time buyers - great to focus on for upsells and cross-sells to drive repeat purchase

Triggered Post-Purchase Flows

Real client example: conscious sneaker brand Cariuma leans into customers’ passion for sustainability with 3 different post-purchase flows

  1. 24-hours post-purchase - education 
  2. First-time customer 45 days post-purchase - referral invite + incentive
  3. Repeat customers 45 days post-purchase - free shipping code

3. Leveling up personalization

Leverage trends in your data to identify more opportunities

  • Hero product - what are my best products for high value acquisition?
  • Driving repeat purchases - what are my best products for converting one-time buyers to two-time buyers? For driving repeat purchases in the same category?
  • Winning lapsed customers back - what promotions can be leveraged to drive re-engagement?
  • Omnichannel and addressability - which customers engage with our marketing, and what is the best channel to reach them?  
  • Discount shoppers - who are my customers who only purchase during sale periods? 
  • Customer satisfaction - who are our brand promoters or detractors, ie; NPS.

Use advanced data to drive repeat purchases

  • Omnichannel kitchen store Sur La Table focused on converting one-time shoppers.
  • Surprised by low conversion to second order in the kitchen category.
  • Identified hero products that had higher conversion to the second order and leveraged those products in personalized campaigns.

Test your engagement windows

  • Rebecca Minkoff tested 3 different time windows for one of their segments - those who purchased or clicked a text and viewed/added item to cart in last 90, 120, and 150 days. They learned the longer engagement window actually performed best.

Personalization doesn’t always mean pushing purchase

  • Knowing holidays can be sensitive for some subscribers, nail care brand Revel Nail offered subscribers the opportunity to opt out of Mother’s Day content. This showed subscribers that they’re committed to building a relationship and delivering the experience their customers want.
Watch Lexer’s VP of Customer Success, Heather Dougherty, and Attentive's Director of Client Strategy, Melissa Brown, discuss what to do to level up your personalization strategies and fuel acquisition and retention through SMS.

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Jessi Robertson
Content Marketing Manager
Jessi is obsessed with engaging content that educates and inspires. With a career spanning PR, social media, and communications, she loves sharing Lexer’s story, insights, and expertise. Outside of work, Jessi enjoys a balanced lifestyle of yoga and fried chicken. Both of these interests, however, are trumped by her true love: red wine.