January 8, 2018

Can customer service bots replace humans?

minute read

Our consultation with 20 of Australia’s top-tier organizations reveals the three key priorities for automation in customer service are enabling technology, meaningful strategic direction and the ability to iterate and scale-up.

With 57% of companies either planning, piloting, or already using a chatbot, and 63% of customers willing to try these types of service interactions, there’s no doubt the movement toward automation has momentum.

63% of customers are willing to try chatbots
- VentureBeat

The cost of a quick-fix without the right scope can have dire consequences, with cautionary tales from Boost Juice and Microsoft making the headlines recently.

For leaders in digital, marketing, and customer care, a successful bot experience depends upon:

  • Providing customer value
  • Designing an effective logic engine
  • Integrating bots into social care tools
  • Creating a seamless Bot to human handover

To learn more about the key actions organizations are taking to deliver on these priorities, and uncover trends in the automation landscape, view our white paper below.

Download the full Lexer report: Can humans be automated?
Photo by Mike Kononov

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