October 3, 2018

How Stitch Fix weave data science into their business

minute read
Our Data Rockstar series profiles brands who are delivering exceptional value from data – and kicking goals in the process. We admire brands that are moving towards a more data-centric culture and applying their data in unique ways. These are the embodiment of Data Rockstars.
By reading these best-in-class examples, we hope you can apply the learnings to your own businesses.

Data savvy from the start

If we were awarding prizes, Stitch Fix would be a top nominee. With an entire website visually explaining how data science is woven into the fabric of their business – their pun, not ours – the team at Stitch Fix absolutely rock their customer data.

Data and technology – together for the win

The first touchpoint for a new client is the style quiz – a low-labor & in-depth form used to capture important client attributes. Combined with inventory data, this rich data is used to make personalized product recommendations to customers across all marketing channels.

What makes this company special is undoubtedly technology
Katrina Lake, Founder & CEO

One of the greatest uses of data is to identify customer “states”. These states are applied to anticipate needs and to predict future demand e.g. Are they a new customer? Did they arrive via referral or on their own? Is their wardrobe nearly full?

Understanding the relationships between and the impact of these states also helps Stitch Fix to manage inventory. Moreover, this insight helps keep customers happy, by knowing what they need! Without such a scientific application of data, this wouldn’t be possible.

If you’re in a stitch, order your ‘fix’!

Early adopters of data-culture

Stitch Fix ticks every box on the Data Rockstar checklist: they are championing data science, encouraging transparency with their customers around how they use and implement data, and are leaders in their category.

And now…

Be sure to follow our series of Data Rockstar Profiles to see who else we admire, like Nike with their data-driven Los Angeles store. And, don’t forget to check out our full article on Data Rockstars to understand what makes one tick!

Ready to rock? Accelerate your data transformation with Lexer’s sophisticated Customer Data Platform and tools. We are the only vendor to offer data, tools, and service to help you progress to Data Rockstars.

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