July 23, 2018

The 3 key steps to becoming a customer data rockstar

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According to research, less than 20% of brands have a single customer view- ie. the ability to unify all sources of customer data to pinpoint your customers down to a singular, rich human profile.

The finding comes from the 2018 Data Culture Study, an industry-first survey of the challenges marketers face in operationalizing data to improve the customer experience.

So what do high performers do that others don’t? Here are some key insights into what gives high-performing brands their X-Factor, and how you can accelerate your own journey to data rockstardom.

Accessible data key to success

Our study finds 75% of high-performing brands have in-house analytics and insights.

We’ve found organizations with dedicated data specialists are often compensating for messy data that is poorly structured and in disparate systems.

If brands clean up their data, in a Customer Data Platform for example, there’s a reduced reliance on data specialists. Having cleansed data enables self-service and data specialists can spend their time solving much more valuable problems.

Self-serve insight a crucial capability

Categorically, high performers have brought the ability to self-serve insights, allowing key business users the opportunity to pull their own insights.

By contrast, low-performing brands more likely to outsource this capability by using an agency for marketing. The role of agencies is shifting to be much more specialized or when a brand is trying something new to the organization.

Either way, it’s essential the team are empowered to use their data universe, turning it into value every day, rather than sitting idle in a data lake.

High performers heavily invested in advanced analytics

78% of high performers conduct advanced analytics.

Low-performing brands are not performing advanced analytics. High-performing brands are heavily invested in advanced analytics to improve marketing and business decision-making.

Implementing advanced analytics requires the right tools, people and data quality. To realize the value of advanced analytics, brands need strategic—not merely technological—solutions.

What do data rockstars do that others don’t?

The Lexer Data Culture study also finds the top 3 key channels high performing brands are using data
to win with personalization are email, paid social and site.

Download the report now and to find out more about what high performers are doing to succeed in the pursuit for customer data-nirvana.

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