July 23, 2018

Top 3 Channels for Data-Driven Marketing

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New research reveals that email, paid social and on-site are the top 3 channels for brands to focus on personalization.

The finding comes from the 2018 Data Culture Study, an industry report on the challenges brands face in operationalizing data to improve digital marketing.

In this article, we take you through 3 key insights about how leading brands are putting their data to work. For the full version of the Data Culture Study, as well as inspiration on what you can do to ready your data for activation, download now!

Email the channel of choice for personalization

It’s no surprise that email is the channel of choice for marketers – used well, it can be incredibly effective at reaching specific, high-value segments of your customer and prospect base.

All high-performing brands are using their data to personalize emails – however, without a single customer view, it’s still difficult to move beyond a blanket approach.

This is why having access to all of your customer data to power segmentation is critical to improving email marketing performance.

Better segmentation leads to a better open and conversion rates.

Reduce your reliance on data from social platforms

Gone are the days of guesswork – by using your own first-party data to create and match audiences on paid channels you can improve social advertising performance significantly.

Big platforms, like Facebook, continue to change their terms, partnership collaborations and continue to hold their data close to their chests to maintain control.

So it’s more important than ever for brands to reduce their reliance on the data the large social platforms provide.

Brands need to build up the data they have on customers to create targeted audiences that can be provided to third-parties for targeting, rather than rely on their data.

75% of high achieving brands use data to personalize on-site

No low-achieving brands are using data here, compared to almost 75% of high achievers.

Possibly one of the most interesting results here is the number of marketers using data to inform their website experience.

Websites are often undervalued in their potential and focus, as marketers spend time and money buying advertising to drive traffic. A great opportunity exists to deliver a targeted and personalized experience when someone arrives at your site.

Your site is also a rich source of data and insight.

Leading brands are observing the content each visitor engages with and using this to segment and target them across any channel in a much more meaningful way.

Want to know the top 3 factors to achieve success in data?

Our research reveals accessible data, self-serve insights and advanced analytics are key to success for high-performing companies.

To find out more about what high performers are doing to succeed in the journey toward data rockstardom, download the report now!

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